For me, this all started in the 90’s. My yoga teacher at the time introduced me to the ancient spiritual teachings called Upanisad. These teachings spoke to me, I showed up and listened. I learned Sanskrit to read the original texts. Twelve years later, I still wanted more and found myself in India. Maybe it was luck, and perhaps it was fate; I spent the next twelve years living and studying with the highly respected scholar and spiritual leader, Swami Dayananda. I spent the last 6 years teaching Vedanta and this will be the first class on the teachings of my teacher. I am joyful and humbled to offer it.
Daya means compassion. Swami Dayananda has an extraordinary level of empathy, patience, and an uncanny ability to communicate with his students. He was a profound thinker, a spiritual giant. Even though he is no longer with us, we can benefit from his clarity, humor, and teachings. Let these gems of knowledge transport your mind to a higher level of consciousness while Swamiji traverses profound topics, unfolds answers to the big questions (the meaning of life, our true identity, oneness, Self, and the world around you). This class is an opportunity for anyone seeking depth, meaning, or clarity in their life.
The format will be weekly, hour-long videos by Swamiji with monthly Question and Answer sessions (referred to traditionally as “Sat Sangs”) by me. These interactive sessions will be to answer perplexing questions, offer clarity, and help integrate the Vedanta teachings into your life.