Welcome to the Body Mind Spirit Lifestyle, where ancient wisdom meets holistic healing. Start your journey towards self-mastery through our inspired healing practices. We invite you to address chronic pain caused by musculoskeletal stiffness and misalignment as a pivotal step. Our physical practices embrace the spirit of self-acceptance, the foundation for growth. Explore our programs to enrich your life and deepen self-awareness. For inquiries or personalized program evaluations, please feel free to contact us. Your path to a more fulfilling life begins here.

Pain and Posture Programs

Pain and Posture Program targets the root causes of your pain and posture issues, providing expert guidance and tailored strategies to help you feel well again. Reclaim your freedom of movement and embrace a life of well-being. Start your journey towards a pain-free, mobile, and well-balanced you today.

Deep Tissue Bodywork & Fascia Release

If you want a dramatic improvement in your musculoskeletal health, a private session may be right for you. Each session will target your areas of complaint and any contributing patterns of structural imbalance. I use both passive and active care therapies to clear fascial patterns and scar tissue that cause postural imbalance, pain, and stiffness and return them to their original state of health —  adhesion-free. I welcome your challenging conditions! Please call or text to see if we’re a good fit.  Contact Julia Lorimer CIAYT, a Pain and Posture Specialist for 30 years. 415-879-6944

Online Yoga Therapy Classes

Online Yoga Therapy Classes

Welcome to our exciting online yoga classes! In our program, you will get in shape, improve your posture, and address many physical challenges. Julia Lorimer teaches yoga therapy with exacting detail in a way that gets to the source of your weakness and generates new strength and vitality in your body and mind. Please join us! Check out our classes here.

Online Yoga Therapy Classes

Welcome to our exciting online yoga classes! In our program, you will: get in shape; improve your posture; and address many of your physical challenges. Julia Lorimer teaches yoga therapy with exacting detail in a way that gets to the source of your weakness and generates new strength and vitality in your body and mind.  Please join us! Check out our classes here.

Online Yoga Therapy Classes

Welcome to our exciting online yoga classes! In our program, you will: get in shape; improve your posture; and address many of your physical challenges. Julia Lorimer teaches yoga therapy with exacting detail in a way that gets to the source of your weakness and generates new strength and vitality in your body and mind.  Please join us! Check out our classes here.

Online Yoga Therapy Classes

Welcome to our exciting online yoga classes! In our program, you will: get in shape; improve your posture; and address many of your physical challenges. Julia Lorimer teaches yoga therapy with exacting detail in a way that gets to the source of your weakness and generates new strength and vitality in your body and mind.  Please join us! Check out our classes here.

Wellness Lifestyle

A wellness lifestyle is a holistic approach to living that prioritizes health, balance, and overall well-being. It’s about making conscious choices that nurture the body, mind, and spirit. Get motivated to adopt new habits that promote physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional resilience, and a sense of purpose. Learn to thrive in your life by managing stress, and prioritizing your well-being.

Wellness Lifestyle

A wellness lifestyle is a holistic approach to living that prioritizes health, balance, and overall well-being. It’s about making conscious choices that nurture the body, mind, and spirit. Get motivated to adopt new habits that promote physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional resilience, and a sense of purpose. Learn to thrive in your life by managing stress, and prioritizing your well-being.

Wellness Lifestyle

A wellness lifestyle is a holistic approach to living that prioritizes health, balance, and overall well-being. It’s about making conscious choices that nurture the body, mind, and spirit. Get motivated to adopt new habits that promote physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional resilience, and a sense of purpose. Learn to thrive in your life by managing stress, and prioritizing your well-being.

Yoga for the Body

Way of Life for Self-Healing

Private Yoga - A Rare Hands-on Yoga for Pain Relief and Significant Postural Change.

Yoga Classes, Workshops and Retreats - Precise instructions which enable you to change your posture and to free yourself from pain.

Online Courses in Yoga, Meditation and Yoga Philosophy for gaining a meditative mind that can heal your own body of fatigue, pain, and illness.

Yoga for the Mind

Way of Life for Self-Healing

Meditation Course: Learn an ancient technique called Japa for gaining space from your thoughts and peace in your mind.

Yoga Philosophy and Psychology Course: Learn How to Have a Stable Mind in Difficult Times

Bhagavad Gita Course: Ongoing Monthly Classes in a classical and epic story of good over evil. Learn how to be the hero in your own life story.

The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life is based on Vedanta texts and precepts. As human beings, we all strive to be happy, healthy and whole on 5 levels-- the body, energy level, emotions, decision making, and joyful moments. The Vedas promise a lasting happiness that includes but transcends these levels of human experience. However, we measure our success on these 5 levels, yet we are great inspite of these levels. Your greatness is inherent. By nature, you are already complete and whole. This transcendent message given by the Vedas includes 5 levels that you transcend limitations at the level of your body, energy level, emotions, decisions and joyful moments. We need not be perfect. Our nature is transcendent. Accept yourself as you are on these 5 levels unconditionally. Know your greatness includes and transcend these 5 levels of yourself. Your transcendent greatness is something to be known via the Vedas along with a qualified teacher. The 5 Levels or Sheaths. In Sasnsjrit they are called in Sanskrit pancha-maya-kosha.
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Meet Your Teacher!

C-IAYT, e-RYT-500, Expert Yoga Teacher, Hands- On Pain Relief Specialist, Innovator in Yoga and Iyengar Therapeutics, Vedanta and Yoga Philosophy Teacher, Meditation and Sanskrit Chanting Teacher.

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